“ As a passionate creative, I love seeing things go from blah to beautiful! ”

Life is a story in motion and everyday on earth is a page in your book of life. Your personality, style and home reflect the story you’re weaving about your life. Make it one that brings joy and meaning to you.
— Ruby Buah

The Designer


As a passionate creative, I love seeing things go from blah to beautiful! I'm a big fan of laughter, positivity and big hair. I love quotes and I can’t get enough of social media pages that showcase fabulous women entrepreneurs because I get to learn a lot from them. By trade I'm a Financial Analyst but a need to scratch a creative itch sent me on a journey that had me trading in financial reports for fashion and interior decor. Let’s face it; I went the Finance route to please my parents anyway (hello African parents!). I am happy to be following my passion now and I’m grateful for the tools I bring from my Finance background to my businesses. I love podcasts, dogs, plants and spending time with my family and friends.